Governing Questions

What’s Abd?!!
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew mentioned that Singapore could crumble within 5 years should governance be transferred be the opposition.

Really? Possible meh?
He was responding to a question and answer session that was posed by a Bangladeshi reporter on the governance of Singapore.
If we analyse the current political situation here in Singapore, the opposition parties are unable to offer to an alternative solution to better govern Singapore.
Why do you say that? You mean they are not good enough?
It is unfair to say that they are not good enough because they have never governed Singapore. However, I dare say that they are not providing alternative solutions to problems that Singaporeans are facing amidst high inflation and public policies.

The opposition has only been able to critique these policies and demand a better solution from the government more often than to offer a credible solution to the problem.
So, you are saying that the opposition is not getting to the heart of it?
The core problem will always remain as such and the current government will continue to enjoy prosperity because opposition parties are not able to address this issue to create an impact amongst Singaporeans.

The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) has been opposing the government by means of public protests. This creates an awareness of such a problem which everyone is also facing. However, protests does not solve the problems. It only goes to show how much the party is putting pressure on the government to make new changes but it does not show if the party is able to come out with ideas to suggest and implement new changes which will be better for Singaporeans.
Ahhh I see.. So what do you suggest?
Take heed from what the government is doing at the moment.

If you pay closer attention, you will realize that although Chiam See Tong is in control of his ward. However, the government still place their own member there for “Meet the People Session”. This is a strategic move to connect with the people and understand the problem of the people in that area before the next election. It is therefore, extremely important for opposition parties to re-strategize after every electoral defeat and learn from their mistakes.
If the people of the ward that you are contesting does not feel your presence except until months before the election, it is too late. It would be evident that such a move would falter. To govern, the party has to be sincere. To be sincere, they must go right into the heartlands to understand the people and their problems and provide alternative solutions. Appearing at the doorstep months before elections is not deemed as sincere.
Voters are getting educated and know what they want. It is therefore crucial for opposition parties to serve the needs of the people in their wards first and prove that they are worthy of the votes.
I see.. I see… Very Interesting. I never thought of it that way before.. But what about protests? Isn’t protests part of democracy?
Protests is part of democracy. In Singapore, the law has been drawn up to ban protests. Therefore, one must learn how to work around the system before one is able to change it. If you want protests and protests is banned, then you should work with the system to get into a position that would allow you to change the system first. After that, you can decide whether or not protests should be banned or not.

Why do you look like you are against protests?
I am not.
However, I do want to see a change in governance or a bigger voice in governance from the opposition party. At the moment, the opposition parties are not doing much to win the hearts of Singaporeans that I begin to wonder whether or not the opposition has a heart to govern the country.

Because if the opposition has no heart to govern the country, then if they do win, the citizens will suffer from mis-governance. I hope if there is any opposition leader reading this, you will take heed of my advice because I am a citizen who is seeking change and I know what is lacking from the view that I see.
You talk like you should be a politician. Why don’t you run for elections instead?
Maybe I will, when the time is right.
There’s still plenty to work around with at the moment but the work has already begun.

Wah… Politician in the making huh? Wish you all the best ahh!
Thank You!

Imminent War

What’s Abd?!!

John Bolton, former American ambassador to United Nations, predicts that Israel will attack Iran after the November presidential election but before the new president is sworn in.

John Bolton? Related to Michael Bolton huh? Why does he say that??

Well, according to him, he believes that the current Bush administration will not be attempting to go to war and to wait for the new president to be sworn in would be beneficial to Iran as this would allow Iran time to develop their ‘nuclear capabilities’ further awaiting action from the new administration.

However, he also believes that Israel is not willing to take any action before the elections as they do not wish to jeopardise the situation further in U.S.

But hasn’t the presidential candidates given their respective comments on how to deal with the situation?

Well, John McCain might still be waging war however the process and decision of which it decides to go to war would have allowed Iran to have fully developed their ‘nuclear ambitions’. As for Obama, he has made a clear stand that he would be engaging Iran in a high-level open talks “without preconditions”.

Isn’t the decision better then?

Seems to be better but as we all know, these countries, especially Israel with whom the United States has a close friendship and considers it a really close ally cannot afford to wait for United States to come out with a decision. Moreover, Iran is a neighbouring state to Israel and the lack of understanding between religions has further caused this rift.

So, are you saying that if they go to war, it’ll be because of religion?

If we examine war on a historical context, you will realise that more often that not, wars are waged because of religion. Most wars are also between two religion; Christianity and Islam. In the past, Jews and Islam were often the target of Christians. Islam was an expanding religion that had taken the world by storm. Much of Europe was conquered by Islam and under Islam, these countries had thrived in the areas of literature, arts and many others and were the envy of Christians. Spain was ruled by Muslim rulers for a very long time and its’ city then was Granada. However, Christians then waged a war and Islam lost to it. This was the period of the Crusades. Not many Islamic civilization is left in Spain nor are its artistical heritage as most of it has been destroyed due to war.

Ouh… that’s interesting. I didn’t know that.

That’s just a bit of history for you. So yes, war these days are also influenced by religion, not just politics.

How is that so?

War in current times are influenced by religion, supported by politics and power. Let’s examine, the Iraq war. President Bush is a Jew (if i’m not mistaken). So he decides to attack Iraq as a legacy to continue what his father did not manage to achieve, topple Saddam Hussein. In attacking Iraq, he mentions that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction which was never discovered. In actual fact, he was only interested in the vast amount of crude oil that was available in Iraq.

I’m sure not many of you know this but months before the Iraq war, the U.S government had given out bids to companies to manage the oil. This tender was of course won by Halliburton. How do I know? I have insider contacts of course! That’s my job as a correspondent!

Wah! I didn’t know of such a thing!

Well, now that you are aware. You should be more informed of what the motives waging such wars are.

Oily Meeting

What’s Abd?!!
Saudi Arabia’s Oil Minister announced that the country will increase production of oil to 9.7 million barrels a day beginning in July to meet increasing demand.
Woah! SO much har??
Well, oil prices have been increasing beyond sustainable means. Therefore, hopefully an increase in the production of oil will be able to bring the price down.
That’s possible huh?
Theoretically, it is. If you learn Economics in school, you will learn that there is a co-relation between Demand and Supply. A high demand with low supply results in high prices whilst a Higher Supply against a Slightly Lower Demand will result in lower prices. However, realistically, a lot of other issues comes into play in the determination of prices.
Really? What is that?
Speculation in the markets and other political decisions internationally.
Market? Wet Market want to speculate wat?
Not wet market!! The Stock Exchange Market.
Oh!! Hehehe…The only stock I know is livestock at wet market lar.. So, what about this speculating and politics?
Every single speculation/ rumour that is spread, affects the prices in the exchange market globally. Decisions made by politicians also affect these prices.
A speculation/ decision by a country that is considering to wage a war would definitely result in a steep increase of oil prices. This is because, with such speculations/ decisions, it results in a frantic selling of stocks in the exchange markets. This selling of stocks is done as investors or market players do not wish to lose money heavily and to keep whatever money they have already gained.
Wahh… So, how now?
Well, the move by Saudi Arabia is indeed laudable. However, over the years, demand for oil will definitely increase as emerging economies such as China and India continue to grow.
Britain’s PM Gordon Brown also suggested that all countries should explore alternative sources of energy, including nuclear energy.
Nuclear Energy? He SURE or NOT?? Iran building facility to build nuclear energy and the US,Israel, UK are telling them to stop. Ironic!!
Well, true! I agree! Iran’s ambition to build a nuclear energy facility has come under much scrutiny especially from the 3 countries you mentioned. This is because, Iran is a military threat to Israel. But then again, politicians often says one thing and does another – especially those with a lot of political power globally.
Well, what to do right? We can’t vote against them!

News In A Flash!

What’s Abd?!!
I’m Back!!!
Wahhh, been gone for a week!! So, What’s Abd?!!
Well, a lot actually!!! I’m not sure what I should begin talking about.

How about you start right from the day you left? What was interesting? What news did you manage to cover?
Here’s the first piece! Malaysian PM Abdullah said that he was going to resign from his premiership post. However, he is going to contest for the Presidency post of UMNO.

Woahhh…. Serious?? So, will we see a new PM?
We could actually see with so much clout hanging over the hottest seat in Malaysia’s Government. However, no one should be too optimistic should he step down.

Huh? But why??
Well, because there is no strong candidate to take over that post. Failure to elect a capable premier better than the current one would result in a bigger calamity and spell economic, social and racial strife within the nation. Insurgency within party ranks and members of the coalition is also very likely.

Well, isn’t there the Ex-DPM Anwar Ibrahim?
Sure he can be the next PM. However, would electing him be in the best interest of the nation? Without a doubt, his resume is impressive and he could have actually already become the PM had he not been dismissed and sent to prison. In the current situation, the nation needs more than just one option. It is after all in the name of democracy. You understand right?

Yeah yeah.. Now I understand. It is apparent that there is no one else capable of taking over the post of PM and no one else has stepped up to prove that he is worthy of that post other that Anwar Ibrahim. Sigh… Okay, so, what other news do have to share?
In Singapore, Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced that they would be putting up several more gantries along the roads of Singapore.

What?? Isn’t there a lot of gantries already? Really Pay And Pay ahh!!! What’s the reason this time?
LTA mentioned that the average speed plying along certain roads is extremely slow and thus, causes congestion. This is a result of too many vehicles using that road to just pass through. Therefore, LTA will be placing gantries to deter motorists who use that road to just pass through. Passing through would mean paying a toll for slowing down traffic speed. They would also be extending the gantry time at the Central Business District (CBD) area.

What? Average Speed? Pass Through?
Yes, LTA calculates average speed of vehicles. To be more exact, taxis. And based on the average speed of some of these taxis that have been put on their special tracking system, they work out how fast or slow that particular road should be travelled on to ensure smooth traffic flow.

Taxis?? That’s unfair la!! Taxis naturally travel slower along those popular roads and even stop at long periods because they want to get passengers!
Hmmm, I’m not sure if LTA includes that when conducting their study. But well, according to LTA, business among those popular stretch of roads has increased despite these implementations because the smooth traffic is encouraging to tourists who wish to ply along those roads to shop in ease.

So, this is because of tourists?
Well, Singapore’s economy is heavily dependent on tourists. Therefore, most of the implementation of projects in Singapore is geared towards attracting tourists. No tourist = No economy/ Slow economy

Ohhh… I see.. So anything else you want to tell?
Ahh yesss… There will be a new correspondent joining us soon to contribute to What’s Abd. The correspondent has expressed a deep interest to write for What’s Abd. So do look out for the new correspondent!

Wah!! Recruitment Drive huh??? Need more people ehh?
For those people who are interested to join What’s Abd can contact Abd either through the chat board or send him an email ( personally and express their interest. However, they will be scrutinised for their writing style because What’s Abd has a different reporting style different from all the other news avenues.

Ohh yess! I agree!! It is easy to read and understand What’s Abd and readers actually get a better understanding of the story too! So do you have to be Singaporean?
No no… There’s no need to be Singaporean. In fact, you can be from any other part of the world! And better too!! News outside of Singapore and Malaysia. Do be informed though that What’s Abd preferred if you were reporting from United States, United Kingdom or from Middle East as these are What’s Abd main coverage aside from Singapore and Malaysia.

Correspondent away

What’s Abd?!!
Correspondent has been away on an overseas assignment during the weekend. Nevertheless, he will be back with exciting news that he gathered during his assignment!!
Correspondent will also be away for Sang Singa Purba’s Drama Camp upon his return from his overseas assigment and will not be able to do much reporting as he is assisting in the camp.
Apologies for all readers.

Holy Sex

What’s Abd?!!

Where is the best place you’d ever consider having sex?

Well, definitely a place where there’s a possibility of getting caught! It’s just thrilling and it really spices your love life!

So that would mean all public places right?


In Rome, Italy, an Italian couple had sex at the most interesting place!

They did??? Where???

Have you caught the movie, ‘Euro Trip’ before?

‘Euro Trip’? Hell yeah!!

The Italian couple, in their 30’s were caught having sex in a church during one morning Mass.

During a MASS?????

Ahuh… during a Mass. Apparently, they were caught having sex in the, get this, CONFESSIONAL BOX!!!

Woahhh!!! Power ahhh!!! Exactly like ‘Euro Trip’!!!

Hahaha.. Yeah!!! Exactly like ‘Euro Trip’! Maybe they were inspired?

So what happened to them?

Well, they were cautioned by the police for ‘obscene act in public’ and ‘disturbing a religious function’.

‘Disturbing a religious function’ huh? I’m quite sure they must have! The confessional box must have been shaking a lot!!! hahahahaha

Hahahah… I guess so! Well, apparently they had been drinking all night and were probably in a drunken stupor and didn’t realise that they had gone too far. But perhaps, being in a drunken state also gives them a good excuse.

So I should get drunk too yeah!! And I’d probably just get away with a caution! So what happened to them after that?

Well, they went to meet the local bishop to ask for forgiveness of course!! And thank god, the bishop forgave them.

The bishop that celebrated a “Mass of Repatriation” in the cathedral where the confessional box incident had taken place to make up for the sacrilege.

Anyways, if you are thinking of having sex in a public place here in Singapore. Do be mindful that you are probably not the only one around doing the deed. In this stressful nation, I’m sure plenty of Singaporeans need sex!! Especially the bosses/ supervisors!!

Agree!! Agree!! Come to work and start scolding people for no reason! Confirm the night before never got it from his/ her partner!

Hahahha… Totally!! But yes, if you want to do it in public. Pray that if you get caught, the police officers who attend to you are understanding enough to let you off with just a warning because it is an offence in the eyes of the law to have sex in public.

I have caught a couple having sex in the back of a car before during my patrolling days – in broad daylight, but we let them off with a warning.

Woah… cool ahhh… Must have been exciting!

Yes.. Sure is exciting but you have to exercise discretion and understand that they are a couple and perhaps just need a place right there and then!

Remember! Whatever it is! Exercise Safety First!!

Yes Sir!!

Security Breached!

What’s Abd?!!

In Britain today, top secret documents containing the security services’ latest intelligence on the Al-Qaeda ‘terror’ network was left on a commuter train.

Wah sehhh ahhhh…. what’s inside ahhh?

The documents include the latest assessments from the Joint Intelligence Committee on Al-Qaeda and the situation in Iraq. The documents were found by another passenger and it was subsequently passed to Security Correspondent at the British Broadcast Center (BBC).

Wah jialat man… so the letter got the big “SECRET” stamp is it?

Fuah… Document so important yet carry in an envelope? Cheapskate siaa…

Well, according to proper procedures, documents of such nature should in fact be kept in a secure briefcase before transportation. Otherwise, even the person authorised to carry the document can read it.

So what happen to the guy carrying it? Kena Sack already??
Well the person is actually a senior civil servant. He has currently been suspended from duty pending investigations by an Internal Inquiry board.
It would also be quite difficult for the Cabinet Office also at the moment because the person was employed by the Cabinet Office and his job scope was to tighten Government security procedures.
Hahaha… Irony Ahhhh!!!
Indeed it is! Further to that, the documents were actually marked “UK Top Secret” and “for UK/US/Canadian and Australian eyes only”.
Wahh… The Axis of Terror ahhh!!
Errr… *smiles*
Well this isn’t the first such case of a security breach in Britain. It has on previous occasions also lost data containing DNA of criminals and more recently before this, two discs containing 25 million child benefit claimants which included bank details, addresses, dates of birth and insurance numbers. The latter has still not been recovered yet till this day despite a 6-week investigation by Scotland Yard.
Wahhh… Horrible ahhhhh!!
Considering that rapists and murderers were allowed to commit crimes for a year after the DNA data was lost. It definitely must be – more than just horrible!

Bananas In Pyjamas

What’s Abd?!!
Heard of Pisang?

That’s Banana isn’t it? Now I’m thinking of Banana Fritters!! Treating me huh?

Heard of Pulau Pisang?

Banana Island?? Woah… island full of pisangs huh? Or ‘pisang’? Ya’know? That PISANG?! ORR is that where Bananas In Pyjamas come from??

Hahahaha.. No no no… Pulau Pisang is another Island that has a lighthouse on it..

Aiyaa… Lighthouse?! Are we going into Pedra Branca again? Why can’t it be Bananas In Pyjamas.. I miss seeing them ya’know. Are you thinking what I’m thining B1? I think I am B2!

Hahahaha… Well I love that show too!! But well you’re not wrong that this is Pedra Branca – the sequel! Pulau Pisang Lighthouse has been managed by the Singapore government for a very very long time. Pulau Pisang is also under the sovereignty of Johor. With the loss of Pedra Branca, Johorians are angry that poor management by the government had caused an Island that should belong to them is now under Singapore.

So, now they want to go International Court of Justice again huh?

I doubt so because the island rightfully belongs to Johor. The management of the lighthouse is performed by Singapore. I believe that the Johor government would just request for Singapore government to leave indicating that they’d be taking over the management of the lighthouse in due course of time.

Wah seh liau.. So how now?

The Malaysian side is currently coming out with plans to redevelop the island because the island is home to many fishermen. Malaysia also sees the island as a potential generator to boost tourism with its eco-centric nature. (is there even a word eco-centric?) But essentially, Johorians are angry at losing Pedra Branca wants the government to stake its claim on the islands that rightfully belongs to them.

Such behest?? (and yah lar.. is there eco-centric?)

Well, the government is now at the becking orders of its citizens with the recent loss in elections. They need to pacify the citizens first and gain back the trust of its citizens. It is also worthy to note that there might be a snap polls sometime towards the end of the year as mentioned by Ex-Malaysian DPM Anwar Ibrahim.

Wow.. Exciting isn’t it to be a Malaysian? Such democracy! Unlike Singapore…

Well, I agree. But perhaps we should remember that the pledge mentions, “Towards A Democratic Society”. That means we shall head towards democracy but never be democratic. This can be done by looking democratic but in actual governance, not.

Oily Situation

What’s Abd?!!

Malaysia Just Increased Their Oil Prices!
We can’t do much about that can we? Malaysia has for a very long time heavily subsidised oil taxes making them the 2nd cheapest oil distributor in ASEAN after Myanmar. Besides, the price for oil has significantly increased by a big margin and all sectors of trade are terribly affected. So, we should not be too angry about it.

Their PM at least came out with a genius idea to offset the high cost.
What did ours do?
Well, that’s a hard one to get over. No doubt the Malaysian PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi decided to cut ministers wages by 10% and to limit overseas holiday travel to only ASEAN region. Though laudable, we should also take note that such a measure was taken due to his dwindling popularity amongst Malaysians as shown in the recent General Elections where they lost 5 states and 2/3 of the majority in the process.
The Singapore government does not face this problem here due to the strong fear that MM Lee had successfully instilled within Singaporeans with monopoly of the media and the extreme uses of the Internal Security Act (ISA). Therefore, the current government enjoys a relatively relaxing time in cabinet and can afford to continue raising prices as deemed fit whilst continue to enjoy their costly wages and benefits.

So is there any alternative to get around this period of inflation.
The first thing one should note is to limit unnecessary spending and to set a monthly budget and stick to it. Spending on entertainment such as movies are defined as ‘wants’ and can be put off while food is defined as ‘wants’. As food costs have risen to coincide with the rise in oil prices, it would therefore be advisable to save on entertainment and focus on basic necessities. Instead of going to movies, youtube is available and most of the movies are uploaded on youtube.

Another option is also to take the public transport IF you are driving to work and only IF you toggle between home and office because this would definitely help you cut cost. No doubt you will have to leave home slightly earlier and squeeze in with potential Body Odours (BO), I guarantee you will save a lot more than just your dollars worth. There’s also the chance for you to meet and get to know people whom you’ve never met before.

If you decide that perhaps you still preferred to be alone and not to take public transport or drive, then you may want to invest some money in a good bicycle. Mr Brown (famous blogger) cycles to work and he can attest to the benefits of cycling to work aside from the obvious of saving money, you get a good workout too. If you do decide to cycle to work, please take a shower first at home and ensure that you are properly geared up to cycle and to work because if you forgot something at home; there’s no turn.. err cycling back.
That basically means a whole change of lifestyle!

You’re right! Definitely a change in lifestyle. Changes in economy affects livelihood in many different ways especially the pockets! Therefore, it is prudent that one takes concern in what happens in world politics especially neighbouring countries as their policies will make an almost immediate impact on you. The world is ever changing and will not look back. If you missed a second, someone would have soared ahead of you. Living in Singapore especially difficult too as prices soar in leaps and bounds while your paycheck remains at present value. Living a modest lifestyle within your paycheck will keep you secured, at least a while longer.

Back On-Line

What’s Abd?!!
Proud and happy to be back on-line blogging! Several changes have been made to the layout to bring a more direct and media approach to the readers to reinstate with the new notion of
‘Your Daily Digest’
Older articles were unable to be re-transferred due to HTML issues. Thus, the old site has been renamed to:
Old articles remains at the above website.
This current ‘upgrade’ boasts of links to the various International News agencies whose local government politics affect the livelihood and policies globally. This links are found on the upper portion of this blog.
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