Part 9 (Aspirations and Hopes)

Simple as the man is, Abdillah has simple aspirations and hopes for the future.

One of which is to be able to conduct his Speech & Drama workshops in more schools in both English and Malay. He owes much of his positive development in life through theatre and would like to contribute back to the development of other youths similarly.

He also aspires to continue motivating and mentoring other youths to pursue what they are passionate about in life. He believes that this is possible through short talks and a very systematic mentoring workshop to ensure that youths are motivated about their future.

Abdillah also hopes to be able to give more talks about youth leadership. Having been in leadership positions throughout his life, he has a bag of experiences to share which he feels many will be able to relate to.

He also aspires that more individuals take up volunteering to help the cause in the community instead of just complaining about situations.

He also hopes to be able to grow more hair on his scalp! Companies that offer such services may wish to engage him. The success of the hair treatment program will be testament to many others that it will work if it works on him.

Last but not least, he hopes to be able to helps many youths achieve their aspirations in life.

2 thoughts on “Part 9 (Aspirations and Hopes)

  1. Abd! Hid from DSL here! Not sure if you still remember me. I just came across your blog when someone in fb contact shared a link to your latest blog entry and then just surfed through the rest of your blog. Then laughing out loud at your hoping to grow hair. Are you seriously looking for hair treatments? Coz I can help you out there since I happen to be working for a hair care distributor. Can work out something for you. No obligations. Buzz me if you’re interested yeah? =)

    By the way, I salute you for doing what you’re doing now. Wish I can just up and leave and do speech and drama workshops like you too. I feel the same way about the power of speech and drama in education. Oh well…=)

    Ok, keep rocking Abd. Take care yeah. =)


    • Heyyy.. Of course I remember you!!

      I was already teaching speech and drama even when you met me that time. Never too late!

      With regards to the hair, it needs a miracle cos seriously, I’ve tried a lot of stuff for 3 years.. I just prefer it like this now


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